+385 91 200 7435

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Bojan Gagić;

light & sound design for theatre, contemporary dance, art installations, exhibitions, concerts, tv & movies.

Bojan Gagić (born in Zagreb, Croatia1969) began his artistic work in the late 1980s through performances and actions related to the activities of informal art groups Neue Urform (Sarajevo) and Kokowa, Rotor, and Clair Obscure (Zagreb). In the late 1990s, through the MAPA platform (Moving Academy for Performing Arts), he started working on various theater projects, participating in the production of plays, creating multimedia content, and designing light and sound. During this time, he also collaborated with Josip Zanki on a series of projects that focused on exploring attitudes towards death (Mirila, Enciklopedija mrtvih, Mrtvi ste?, Kako se mrtvom Beuysu objašnjava mast, Manulera).

He is the author of numerous exhibitions, installations, and performances in Croatia and abroad, primarily focusing on the art of sound. Gagić has published poetry in literary magazines and worked as a technical director for various theater, film, and music festivals. He has created several experimental videos, composed music for short experimental and animated films, mostly by Croatian authors, and designed light and sound for many theater performances.

Lately, together with Miodrag Gladović, he has been developing a special performance technique - luminoacoustics - which involves converting light into sound using the photovoltaic effect of solar panels. He is the cofounder of the Croatian platform for new sound expression called Sinelinea.

His work has received several awards, including the 3rd prize at the Guthman New Musical Instrument Competition, Georgia Tech University, Atlanta, USA (2012), the 2nd prize for multimedia content of the Croatian EXPO Pavilion (2012), the Audience Award at the T-Natječaj for Croatian Contemporary Art (2014), and a special mention from the jury at the Biennale di Venezia (for the light and sound design of architect Ana Dana Beroš' installation, 2015).

Pogon Jedinstvo (Nina Kurtela) STAGES Forum; Music Biennale Zagreb (Mirela Ivičević) HOW TO FLY Iⅈ 21:21/Croatian National Theatre (Ksenija Zec) ZAGRLJAJI/hugs; Studio Contemporary Dance Company (Jasna Vinovrški) ANSAMBL/ensemble; Studio Contemporary Dance Company (Clément Layes) UMJETNIK ZA HITNE INTERVENCIJE/study for emergency artist; Nikad kraja/Multimedijalna koliba (Roberta Milevoj) FAMILIJA/family; Roberta Milevoj OPET ROBERTA/again roberta; &TD Theatre (Roberta Milevoj i Zrinka Užbinec) U OČIMA/in the eyes; &TD Theatre (Roberta Milevoj i Tomislav Feller) &; Marmot (Irma Omerzo) TEHNIKA/technique; MASA dance Company (Aleksandra Mišić) ONA/her; ZPC/HKD (Žak Valenta) HERMAFRODITI DUŠE/hermaphrodites of the soul; Sodaberg (Marjana Krajač) WORK EVERY DAY;  Zagreb Dance Company (David Hernandez) DEVIL'S GARDEN; &TD Theatre (Vedran Hleb) LJEVORUKA/lefthanded; Koreokroj (Irena Mikec) O USAMLJENOSTI I LJUDIMA/about loneliness and people; Beyond Fronta (Vania Gala) COOLING DOWN SIGNS; HIPP/plešimedo (Zrinka Lukšec) XXX KORAKA DO…/xxx steps to...; &TD Theatre (Alen Sinkauz, Nenad Sinkauz, Aleksandar Stojković) MALO JE DOVOLJNO/a little is enough;  21:21 (Petra Mrša, Petra Hrašćanec, Saša Božić, Davor Sanvicenti, Nenad Sinkauz) IS_land 2; &TD Theatre (Boris Popović, Miodrag Gladović) KOMPOZICIJA ZA PISANJE ZA KOMPOZICIJU/composition for wrighting for composition; Kik Melone/HIPP (Silvia Marchig, Darko Japelj, Nataša Govedić) OVO NIJE MOJA ŠUMA/this is not my forest; VRUM (Jule Flierl, Sanja Tropp Frühwald) BONES; HIPP/ZPC (Miloš Sofrenović) SOLO ZA TRI UMA/solo for three minds; Koreokroj (Irena Mikec) SEDNA; Music Biennale Zagreb/ZPC (Tibor Szirovicza, Zrinka Šimičić Mihanović) A2; Music Biennale Zagreb/ZPC (Ana Horvat, Melita Spahić Bezjak) INVISIBLE TIME; SKROZ (Nora Krstulović, Maja Sviben, Vedran Peternel) T’N’T; TRAS (Koraljka Begović i Nastasja Štefanić) TOGETHER WE SOUND; &TD Theatre (Vedran Hleb) SVRATIŠTE KOD ALBERTA C/inn at albert c..; &TD Theatre (Mirela Ivičević) PLANET 8; Cantus Ansambl SERIJA KONCERATA; Dubrovnik Summer Games (Nataša Rajković, Bobo Jelčić) ALLONS ENFANTS; APAP (Felix Mathias Ott, Bahar Temiz) C&P ON MARS;  Beyond Fronta (Gregor Luštek, Rosana Hribar) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; ARKTIK (Vesna Mačković) INTENZITETI/intensites; &TD Theatre (Vedrana Klepica) BIJELI BUBREZI/white kidneys; Teatro Verrdi (Vjera Vidov) ANA I ONA (LJEPOTA JE JEDINA UTJEHA)/ana and she (beauty is the only comfort); Public In Private (Jasna Layes Vinovrški) MORAM, TREBAM, SMIJEM, HOĆU, MOGU I ŽELIM/i must, i should, i may, i can, i will and i want; Torture Museum - Tortureum Zagreb STALNI POSTAV/permanent exhibition; Camera Austria/Hrvatski foto savez (Reinhard Braun, Camera Austria i Sandra Križić Roban) ARHIVI PRERASPODJELE I PREMJERAVANJA/archives of redistribution and measurement; Ekscena (Nikolina Komljenović) TANKA LINIJA/thin line;  Teatro Verrdi (Juraj Aras) DESNICA: IGRE PROLJEĆA I SMRTI/desnica: games of spring and death; Teatro Verrdi/ZPC (Stošija Zrinski) 18 DEGREES BELOW THE HORIZON; Koreokroj (Irena Mikec) LA HUESERA LA TRAPPERA LA LOBA; art collective: Ana Dana, Chandrelle, Cyrille, Ena, Eva, Fatma, Iva, Ivna, Jasenka, Josipa, Kiana, Kimia, Lija, Madina, Marijana, Melike, Mojca, Nibal, Romana, Safaa, Samaneh, Saghar, Sara, Selma i Yazdan THE PASSAGE; Ana Dana Beroš INTERMUNDIA; Odeon Art (Ana Marija Žužul) PRAZNINE/emptiness; SKROZ (Sara Renar) GDJE POVLAČIŠ CRTU?/where do you draw the line?

Croatian National Theatre, Zagreb (Slavoj Žižek/Angela Richter) ANTIGONA; Teatar &TD (Roberta Milevoj/Zrinka Užbinec) U OČIMA/in the eyes; Zagreb Dance Company (David Hernandez) DEVIL'S GARDEN; Teatar &TD (Vedrana Klepica) BIJELI BUBREZI/white kidneys; Teatro Verrdi (Vjera Vidov) ANA I ONA (LJEPOTA JE JEDINA UTJEHA)/ana and she (beauty is the only comfort); Marmot/Zagreb Dance Cente (Irma Omerzo) U HODU/on the go; Marmot/Zagreb Dance Cente (Irma Omerzo) DO KOSTI/to the bone; Koreokroj (Irena Mikec) O USAMLJENOSTI I LJUDIMA/about loneliness and people; Croatian National Theatre (Franka Perković) TREBA PROŠETATI PSA/walk the dog; Teatar &TD (Vedran Hleb) LJEVORUKA/lefthanded; Croatian National Theatre, Varaždin (Dubravko Torjanac) ARAPSKE NOĆI/arabian nights; Teatro Verrdi (Juraj Aras) DESNICA: IGRE PROLJEĆA I SMRTI/desnica: games of spring and death; de:not/PTL/Ekscena (Eni Vesović, Dora Kokolj) DE.FINITY; David Belas, Nataša Kopeč NE, NIŠTA DOBRO/no, nothing good; APAP (Felix Mathias Ott, Bahar Temiz) C&P ON MARS; Croatian National Television ANIMATIK; CSA (Gordana Brzović) TRANSFER; Croatian National Television (Vladislav Knežević, Branka Benčić) NOVE KOLEKCIJE/new collections; Zagreb Film (Josip Zanki) MIRILA; Davor Mezak TWO ROOMS; Zagreb Film (Dea Jagić) PROBUDI ME/wake me up; Mandragora/Spiritus Movens (Cristi Puiu) SIERRA NEVADA; Stvaralačka mreža Zebra (David Lušičić) TRANSMANIA; Kinoklub Zagreb (Vladislav Knežević) BINARY PITCH; Helena Schulthais ABACUS; Ekscena/SC (Nikolina Komljenović) AKO ZAIGRAM NEKU NOVU IGRU#4/if i play a new game#4; Martina Mezak, Josip Zanki SEVEN SEALS; Tehnički muzej (Dinka Pavelić) DJECA TEHNOLOGIJE: ELEKTRONIČKA RAČUNALA/children of technology: electronic computers; ULUPUH (Lana Srkoč, Dinka Pavelić) LIDIJA LAFOREST-RETROSPEKTIVA IZLOŽBE/lidijalaforest-exhibition retrospective; Real Grupa (Helena Bulaja Madunić) NIKOLA TESLA-MIND FROM THE FUTURE; TRAS (Koraljka Begović i Nastasja Štefanić) TOGETHER WE SOUND; Koreokroj (Irena Mikec) LA HUESERA LA TRAPPERA LA LOBA; Martina Mezak METROPOLIS; Ana Dana Beroš INTERMUNDIA; Zagreb Film/Krteativni sindikat (Marko Tadić) POKRETNI ELEMENTI/mobile elements; Kreativni sindikat (Igor Grubić) KAKO SE KALIO ČELIK/how steel was tempered; Koreokroj (Irena Mikec) SEDNA.

Musical Biennale Zagreb, Eurokaz - new theatre festival, Contemporary Dance Week, World Theatre Festival, Zagreb film festival, Motovun film festival, Animafest, Human Rights festival, Queer festival, Festival prvih, White Night Zagreb, Operacija grad, Monoplay, Enigma Objekta, Teatar i Mit.